
Reflections From The Digital Avionics Systems Conference In Barcelona

I am always pleased to take part in the AIAA/IEEE Digital Avionics Systems Conference, and the 42nd edition this year in Barcelona was no exception. DASC continues to be my favorite technical conference, where I reconnect annually with fellow avionics geeks and meet scholars and thought leaders designing next-generation aerospace systems and software.

As a member of the AIAA Digital Avionics Technical Committee, which hosts the DASC, I was thrilled to organize and sit on a panel entitled "Navigating the Skies With AI: Exploring AI’s Impact on Digital Avionics Systems." During the 90-minute discussion, we explored regulation, safety, efficiency, attracting talent, and the business case for AI, among many other fascinating angles on the paradigm-shifting advances happening today.
The most powerful takeaway for me was that technology won't be the roadblock. Technologists creating AI must take on the responsibility to explain to the public what AI is, what it isn't, and how we are poised for a giant leap forward if we implement AI strategically in aviation--targeting the use cases that are technological gaps today and markets that have the largest opportunity to significantly enhance safety.